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If you’d like to say hello and ask a question, simply use the contact form below and click the ‘Submit’ button.

I’m extremely straight up, which means I want you to know that I do read ALL my emails, but I don’t necessarily reply to them all.  And that’s because I currently spend 12+ hours a day writing new content for ya’ll. (And I love doing this).

But if your question is NOT about medical advice or 1-1 health advice, then I will answer away. eg when is best to take digestive enzymes

Also, I will add your question(s) to my Q&A list, which I use to inspire my emails to readers. So thanks for the inspiration in advance!

And if you’re looking for more information, check out the FAQ page, where I talk about ebook download links, the leaky gut diet, where to get the best medical advice, supplements for international readers and much more!

P.S. After you click ‘Submit’, wait 10-15 seconds and your message will get sent. You can then close the page and get back to some good old reading.  Here’s my best article on leaky gut.  Hope you enjoy it!